Buffy Look Low
(Oct 27, 2002 - Aug 31, 2009)
Buffy will be dearly missed by Ah Yong, Ami, Michelle, Roxy, Ma, Me and those that loves her.
As Buffy's hind leg was beginning to give her problem and pain, it was also starting to produce liquid. We brought her to Dr. Thiru today to see what he has to suggest. As expected, the situation was pretty drastic. Although, the first operation saw to the removal of most of the lump, the tumor came back with vengeance this time around and it has spread even further up her leg. The 2 options - to amputate or to put her to sleep.
I have been debating with this since before the wedding and I felt that if I was given these 2 options, I would choose the latter than to put Buffy through the pain of recovery. It might sound selfish to end it all like that but amputating (as Dr. Thiru also mentioned) does not ensure that the tumour would not grow in other areas, lest to mention the pain of recovery and the lack of her full potential to be the active dog she once was.
I couldn't bear to see Buffy put to sleep with my eyes so I had to leave the task to the nurses and doctor at AMK. I could tell that everyone had a sense of loss in them and I am truly thankful to them for making it much easier for us. We had tried our best in keeping her and helping her recover from the lump but I think her time is up.
Buffy will always remain in my heart as Kenny has.
She will always be missed by all who loves her.