Quick update, the lil one is 34 weeks + 5 days.
She was close to 2kg at 34weeks (1989 grams) which the doctor mentioned was alright for her (and me).
She's still in the breech position which means she has yet to turn head down.
We'll have to wait for the 36th week review to see how that goes with the delivery.
Full steam ahead in the preparation of the arrival of this lil one.
Being my first pregnancy, there are stuff that both Mr Look and I are 'lost' on.
A very good example - what things to buy?
This is something ALL first time parents will be thinking (trust me!).
Not only for the newborn but also for the pregnant mother.
I think I did mention before the stuff a pregnant mother requires - clothes, maternity bras, more clothes.
Do believe me when I say that these don't come cheaply.
1 thing for sure is that you won't know how big your tummy may get and when.
Mine started to grow tremendously only after I hit my 7-8th month mark.
So, sometimes, buying maternity clothes doesn't really justify the need for it.
I did get some nonetheless, eg: maternity leggings/jeans.
I met a lady who was in the same frame as me and in the same period of pregnancy, her tummy was smaller than mine and she was wearing her normal jeans~
So, my advice is to go through your wardrobe to see if there's anything loose (I am still able to wear some of my pre-pregnancy tops), followed by shopping for normal loose fit clothings in larger sizes and the extreme case will be to get maternity wear.
Oh, I wore some of Mr Look's tee to sleep too and got XXL for FBT shorts~
As for maternity bras, previously, I mentioned buying normal bras in bigger sizes and using extension hooks.
As you near the last 2-3 months of your term, it's not advisable to wear under-wired bras.
I realised that my veins were getting really obvious and decided to switch to my nursing bras.
Getting these bras too early doesn't make sense as the boobs really do get bigger.
When it doesn't fit, it's a waste of $$$.
So buy them when you are hitting the 7-8th month mark.
There are cheap ones out there too.
Some were retailing at the S$60-80 range in some shops.
I got mine from BHG at S$9.90 each and when OG had sales there was an additional 10% off!
Or, try to find them online on forums/businesses - some good ones can be around S$20.
Well, things for mummy - we can save a little money here and there but what about baby?
I almost fainted when I first walked into a baby store.
Mr Look and I were totally lost.
For instance, there are like 5634526 strollers and 8533241 teats!
I haven't even mentioned the 'innovative' inventions!
Bumbo chairs, dining chair, booster seat - they are actually of about the same function!
They even invented the 'breast friend pillow' meant for breastfeeding mums~
Supposed to have some ergonomic support behind the design but when I asked my colleague she told me it's really not that worthed getting and a little troublesome to use.
It may help some but I think I'll just go back to the usual stacking of pillows around me to support my girl and my back.
I do believe that's still cheaper~
The bourgeoisie of the pregnancy world!
You see, this is why most first time parents are 'lost' or they just get everything but in the end realises they don't really use it.
Uh-huh! That's when they start selling or exchanging online!
Great idea seriously!
Get a bit of money back and the buyer saves a little money too!
For us, we're pretty lucky.
Friends and family members passed many stuff to us.
Well, we are not that picky that she has to use brand new stuff all the way.
Eg: baby cot, baby swing, play pen, breast pads, glass bottles, clothes (lotsa 'em), shoes, hats, car seat etc.
We did save quite a bit there.
Bath tub's new though~
It may seems like it's all hand me downs but they outgrow some stuff really fast so I'm really grateful for the Karang Guni (old item collector) in me.
Cot's not new but the mattress is - just clean the frame a little and it's good as new!
It's true when my colleagues told me to be thick skinned and ask for stuff or just accept when people offer.
I've even asked my colleagues to hold on to certain items and pass them to me when their kids outgrow the item =P
There really are some gems in these hand me downs and I'm grateful for them as always.
I'll save the money for now and contribute it to the capitalist baby society next time~