In the morning..KY say that the green overalls I was wearing looks UGLY!!! AND THE COLOR WAS CHOSEN BY HIM LOR!!!!!wth right!?!?this kick-started the whole chaotic day...nonetheless I wore it out with him after ignoring him for 3-4 hours..I have to say it was a bad day for him too. He had to go without breakfast (he needs his breakfast!) until I was willing to 'cook' for him, than he kept quiet and sat in my room to watch 24 on my laptop until I said 'ok, let's go out..', the whole day see my lian se...poor KY..SORRY! I've thrown away the overall le.....
this was not the worse..I came home saw my younger sis and started lecturing her on not coming home on time that morning despite her call from her to inform anyone as well...haiz..after that my elder sis told me that that maybe I was too much and she's only 16 - needs the freedom etc etc...MY REPLY: OK WHATEVER!!!I AM NOT GOING TO BE THE ONE THAT DISCIPLINES HER ANYMORE!!!! KY got the worse end..I told him to go home!! hahaha....
haiz..when is too much discipline too much?? and when is too much freedom too much???? I don't being me..I really decided not to care..coz afterall..its not my life..if I can't handle my life already..why bother about others? me selfish...I AM LOR! Who isn't?!!
anyway..picture that suddenly became my desktop background...i'm on the news!!!

fav song for now...'be careful what you wish for coz u just might get it...' let my wish come true than...
u forgot buffy's birthday!