I've always been told I look Thai but today..I think it has been really confirmed..Met Remy, Soh and his Thai GF at Golden Mile for dinner. Remy came back from his overseas assignment and since he's flying off in May, we met up for dinner. I have to say the thai steamboat wasn't spicy at all and it was pretty good. Reminds me of the time Warura and Apple brought me to the roadside to eat the soup in the pot (I have no idea what its called) I really miss the non-spicy food there! OH! Soh's Thai GF is like really pretty! I REALLY REALLY THINK SHE'S PRETTY! Too bad no photos....anyway..we went to the Thai Disco and it was really an eye-opener for me..haha...left after 2 drinks as I have work to do....oh...Remy can speak Thai..OMG!!! He can converse with the thai girls..hahahah...I think people probably think he's thai too...I never knew for the past 9 years that he could! Now I am wondering if he could speak thai 9 years ago.....
Well, on to another topic, as promised..the photos from the birthday celebration last week...

Ok..call ended..going to sleep now..gotta wake up to go to work tmrw...weekends come faster please!!!