A little about my life..all the good, bad, pretty and ugly... he says " coz u make me happy, sad, angry and lost at times..and i still love u all e time.."
Friday, May 29, 2009
Buffy's Injury.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Late Night + Full day.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
First up, the bowling event that we had...
Next, Buffy went for her haircut on Friday and she was cut! It was a deep wound and it was really scary but knowing Buffy, it has got to be her that was moving around.
Happy Birthday Henry!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Do you grade your 'friends'?
Acquaintances - people that you meet, say hi and bye and are basically not that important in your life...
Friends - well, this is difficult to define for me because I don't know how to put people in this category after being back-stabbed.
Buddy - this..shopping buddy, drinking buddy, clubbing buddy and I learnt a new kind of buddy that I shouldn't mention here.
Companion - obviously people whom you seek out to accompany you and talk to when you are happy or upset or just need a listening ear.
Lastly, Soul mate - crappy as it may sound but sometimes in life, some people may never find some one that can take on the term 'Soul mate'.
Thing is, do people in your circle move up or down on this hierarchy? How do you justify their move? For me, I've yet to really differentiate between an 'acquaintance' and a 'friend' before. But now, I know that its not how you differentiate them but how they categorise you in their life. Some times to them, you are just not worth the effort or even better - they'll just give you the 'face-work' of being your friend. Shall I call them 'fakes'? But probably, this is how they make their life work. I remember learning in ESAP that making friends is equal to 'making use'. You always 'make use' or exchange needs with your friends. Seriously, I find this very true. Companionship, listening ears, BFFs - on the underside of it..you are just exchanging needs with each other.
I do know that I am lucky to find a couple of soul mate and some companions in my life.
Was telling Siti yesterday that my greatest regret would probably be losing contacts with many friends whom I've spent some of my happiest time with. I believe it really takes a lot of effort from both parties to keep any relationship going and this effort has to be relentless.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Sending Ma off...
In the evening, Ma was flying off on her annual holiday with her kakis to China. So, Yong drove Ma, me and mic to the airport to meet Ami to have dinner with her before her flight. Went to T3 to eat Char Chan Teng coz we were all famished! Some cam-whoring before dinner arrived...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What is LOVE?
How do you know the next one won't be better?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Our Lunch.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Very Big Thank You.
I want to say a very big thank you to some people here as they've made today possible for Yong and me...
First on the list - Ami! Thank you for taking a day off and following us around like our nanny. You've really been an ultra huge help to us today!! Muacks!!
Next up - Amos. Thank you for accommodating us on what we want and all the sweat/water weight you've lost today. I believe the pictures will turn out great. I must say that the one on your blog - I really do look fierce or lost or attentive....
Also, Chris..Thanks for helping us with the lights and ideas. Sorry for not giving you the 'feeling' you pictured for some shots..I not pro la...
Cherry, my makeup artist was great! I totally love the hairstyles she did for me today. Also, she was really open to suggestions and really friendly. Congrats again on your pregnancy!!!
Completed product....
Side view....
Really side....
Will post my other look when I get the photos from Cherry. She was using her hubby's camera..more atas...
After this, we went to do a shoot at GV, the place Yong and I had our 1st date. Than we went to Marina Barrage. Caught this while the guys were taking their 'break' before the shoot...
The 3 heroes of the day....
Amos looks damn cute here lor.....ah beng!
You know whose the one working hard....
After the shoot here, we took a break. Went back to Yong's house and Qingying was so shocked to see me..too pretty le la..white gown and all the makeup. Managed to catch an hour nap before heading off to Cherry's place for another makeup and hair change. The evening to night shot begun. I saw some of the photos on both Amos and Chris's camera and they looked pretty good. Can't wait to see some of the finished photos...
I stole this from Amos's blog....totally reminded us why we chose Amos for our shoots....

Thank you to everyone that has made this day possible for us. This includes the pedestrians...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
New Hair style and Roxy....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Gramophone Buffy.
My temperature today: 36.7
Monday, May 4, 2009
Tribute to my Mum...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wedding Indoor Photoshoot...
While making up - Ivy (my makeup artist) was on the phone...
We had some photos taken with Roxy and Buffy. Thanks to Ami and Mic for bathing and fluffing them up this am and also bringing them down to the studio in the pm for the shoot. Love you guys!! Check out Mich's blog for their behind the scenes. Sorry for making you guys wait and wait. Muackz!
After the shoot was over, I had to go to a hair salon to wash my hair and get all the gunk out of my hair! My makeup - I can't remove the bloody liner! Its like a dark eye ring on my lids..hahaha..
Now, although tired, I have one more stop to make - to my outdoor MUA house to show her my gowns and to discuss on the schedules of my outdoor...
All I can say - its really tiring to pose like this, put your hands like that, smile here, look there, look down, sit here....hahaha....