Am feeling more refreshed after the 10 hour sleep last night..Saturday morning was for facial, followed by a trip to the ID to choose our kitchen top, kitchen laminate, wardrobe laminate and shoe cabinet laminate. This took close to 3 hours and we are still rather undecided. Next will be to choose the paint colors for the house.
This morning, it was a trip to Ikea and Courts to see our appliances and home furnishings. This also took close to 5 hours.

What I wore today.
Yong saw me taking the photo and he wanted 1 too. Like it when he dresses like that.
First stop - Courts. We bought the bed for our new house - Sealy Posturepedic Medium Firm Mattress that came with a black bed frame. Was actually quite interested in getting a Serta mattress that was close to S$3,200 cause I was bent on getting the lamb/sheep they gave free with every mattress purchase (the one saw in the commercials). After consideration that Yong always complained about back, neck and shoulder aches I think Sealy might be a better choice and its cheaper too. I wanted to get a soft mattress - likes of those in hotels. Found out today that Ritz uses Sealy Soft mattress amongst other well known hotels. But again, for the sake of a better sleep, we chose the medium one.
Went over to Ikea for lunch. Had all the kids stuff cause we wanted to eat the hotdog and I wanted the curry puff. I think I'm having a mad craving for curry puffs, I just had TipTop Curry puff yesterday!
Our Lunch.
Yong revealed to me today that he liked to go Ikea but I was baffled. Reason? Every time we go Ikea, I get the feeling that he can't wait to get out. Like after walking and browsing, he'll say, 'Let's go already.' Maybe its the hype of getting his own house. This time we spend close to 3 hours in Ikea and I believe there are more trips to come...
Dinner tonight will be Pastamania. I know its Mothers' Day but no one was really hungry and there was housework to be done. Ami and I paid for this meal...
While we were cleaning the house, Ami told me that after seeing me go mad preparing for the wedding, she's afraid to go through it herself. I tried to explain to her - it really is crazy initially but I realised what I was trying to do was wrong. The motive behind my actions were all wrong.
Initially, I had wanted to make this a perfect wedding from the outside. Meaning I wanted people to tell me, 'Oh, the photos were great' or ' the gowns looks great' or 'the banquet was delicious' etc. No doubt some of these are the basics but I realised there's a deeper meaning to all these.
It was about Yong and me.
This only hit me at our recent indoor photo-shoot. Yong looking into my eyes and telling me how pretty I look that day.
This is the reason why we are doing this.
The look in his eyes were different, very very different. I've never seen it in our 8 years together. It was mesmerizing and it was telling me that he really meant what he said from the bottom of his heart. Though I never told him this after the shoots. I think he feels it too.
People always tell me not to spend so much money on the albums as after the wedding, you'll never flip or open it. I beg to differ. It's not the purpose of opening it to show others but more so to remind yourself what the feeling was like and why you are married to this man or woman. Call me a romantic or a sentimental but there's more meaning to taking photos in costumes or gowns because it's the process and the feeling felt when the shoot was done.
After 5, 10, 20 years into the marriage - there are times when a couple needs to be reminded of why they got together 5, 10, 20 years back. These are probably the reminders that will stand through time. I can't wait to see all the photos that we've taken.