Well, for me..I believe that a family that cooks and have fun together - stays together...today being christmas eve...I made Ami cook dinner and Mic, as always, helps out with the nitty gritty stuff here and there..well..the dinner went well...loads of food that costs S$150..hehe...
Menu for last night:
Ceasar Salad
Mushroom Soup with Tomato Baguette
Steak with boiled vegetable and roasted potatoes (yum yum)
Martini Asti Sparkling wine
A simple fare but with alot of laughter and love put into it.....
After that...there was some unwrapping of presents...guess what I got?!
faMily PorTraiT.....
hehe...no no...seriously....these are some of the precious presents I received from my loved ones...thank you all....

As for buffy, she had a good Christmas dinner (also thanks to Ami for cooking) and she'll be going for her surgery on Monday to remove the lump that has been growing on her hind leg...though its not harmful but it has been slowing her down and its heart-wrenching..yong and I decided to let her go for the surgery and pray that it'll be better....