ok...i wanted to give mummy a surprise by making a photobook for her as her Xmas prezzie this year...went to TommyPrint last Tuesday and started crafting the book...the stupidest thing i did was that I left my thumbdrive there!!!all the US photos were inside...and some other photos...anyway..was so lazy to post becoz i was lazy to re-upload my photos from my camera...well..i did it coz i want to post them on facebook...so here is the cover of the photobook...

simple simple..and the best thing..i can collect it tomorrow!!just in time for xmas! hope ma will appreciate..
this was what i wore yest to work becoz very hiao the past few days...hehe...

And also, finally..i met TPDB gals on Sunday..I missed them so much..and mei kept asking me to join PLDB...haiz....yong will be happy..but i am so nua now...duno if can tahan or not..eheheh...

December is always busy busy for me...will be meeting my other mei and Sec school sisters on Christmas day, beth and gang on new year's eve for lunch...i can't wait to see them.....
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