Hotel Lobby at LA..

Shopping on the first day upon arrival..this is to prevent jet-lag..hahah...

Day tour of LA on the second day before going to Universal Studios..

We got ma to just stand there and took the photo..hahha... 'ATM here' literally...

Long awaited...Churros...we all love it...

We are all kids at heart..couldn't resist the mascots all over the place...

Sun sets ard 430 here...the background is where TV series such as Desperate Housewives and movies were taken...huge piece of land..

Krustyland!!!animated ride....

The Simpsons...dedicated to Yong...

SHREK!!!!!oh..the princess..REALLY looks like the cartoon princess!!her face was flawless..like barbie!!!!

this is a shopping strip outside Universal studios....ignore the lady next to us...she was trying to take some sky photos...

oh...M&Ms...in multiple colors!!!!! black, turqoise, dark and light pink, purple...just name it!!!

Outside Universal Studios ard 7pm...we were waiting for the bus for over 1 hr coz it was stuck in the jam..it was soooo cold at night..they don't look miserable coz there's coffee bean..Ami and I were running back and forth shopping so it was ok..hahahah

Ami will kill me...ahahhaa...i caught her sticking her tongue out at Mic..haha...(yeap..i kept the photo!!)

random photo on the streets of Disney....

Recognise this monster??oh..after we took this pic...the monster tried to kiss Ami and Mic but he forgot that his lip was hard plastic..there was a loud 'konk' when he 'muack' Mic head..hahahahh...

look at the whip cream...btw..this was yummy..hehe....fattening though....
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