Took a bus to Funan first....well..took photos on the bus ride as usual..

Went to Tangs and than to Far East...I MANAGED TO GET ALL MY SHOES!! from the one for my wedding gown to my kua and to my evening wear!! 3 pairs in total and I only busted S$150! I got 1 extra pair of bling sandals coz it was 30% discount..couldn't resist..haha...
my shoes for the day!
My wedding gown shoes...
My kua shoes (was lazy to go yue hwa once i saw these)
My extra bling sandals...hahaha...
These shoes took us 2 hours to get...we were both so tired that we just wanted dinner...outside far east Mich saw 'Mogu Mogu' so we ate there..I have no idea what it was...quite was like typical japanese fast food joints where there were kiosks for you to order what you want, find a seat and when your no is called you pick up your food...

I look kinda cynical in this photo...hahaha...
Came home after that..I learnt alot from Mich today..we talked about tonnes of stuff - friends, boyfriends, clubbing, drinking......really enjoyed it...thanks Mich for today!
Lastly, another song that I'm in love with recently - Taylor Swift - Love Story (she's also a song writer...these young people are getting more and more talented!)