Ami's probably 'The Cutie Pie', ' The One that's up to no good' and 'The one you can depend on' rolled into 1.
Mich will be 'The Tiny Dangerous One', 'The One with the Bad Memory' and 'The one that always gets hurts (physically)' rolled into 1.
Me...'The princess' of course...hahaha.....
Anyway, Ami and I go way back..like 27 years! Well, I have to say that when we were small..we had always been fighting. That's what most people remember. I do too..especially the time when they took knives out and I lost count of how many times I broke her specs (aren't you glad now you're not wearing any?) But I also remember times that we went Emporium (yes, I am that old) and Ami would dig out all her pocket money to buy Barbie stuff. We had the whole range - clothes, shoes, bags, pool, car, wardrobe, a shopping center, a kitchen.. EVERYTHING!!! At that time, in the 90s when we were both in school this was not easy and not everyone could..1 set of clothes could easily cost S$4. Ami is the big sister that gives and gives..till date..she still does..to both me and Mich and Ma *tears welling*.
I have more memories with Ami than Mich does and I will always cherish that..we had 'camping' trips, play cooking, act as teachers, act as radio hosts with a cordless phone that connects to the speaker, went on picnics, came up with a game that encompasses squash and table tennis, the disco nights we have with dad all within our 5 room flat (pls don't ever sell it) ! Ok..the superman stunt I did..=X..haha..and of course Ami's fractured arm because I wanted ice. These are all the things that time can never wash away..
On to Mich..I have to admit..I hated her when I was little..this is called sibling rivalry! Its normal! Not that normal when I tried to strangle her..yes I am horrible..I admit on this front. Now, I am glad that I did not..Reason, she's every bit like me..sometimes it's scary the resemblance. I control her tonnes. Hoping that she won't make the mistakes that I've made in my life. But now, I realised that she's all grown up and ready to venture out on her own. With her, I remember the set of red 3/4 pants set with hat she wore when she was little..she was just so adorable..now..she's pretty (though attracting the wrong *ahem*)..learning how to come home late at night and learning how to spend. It was a phase I went through as well..=P I trust her not to do the wrong stuff but like Yong tells me..sometimes its not you who want but what others want to do to you...
Seeing her grow up is really scary. She's really matured a lot and I hope she'll continue to be as happy as she is.. remember that although you've missed a big part of being with Daddy but you'll always have Ami and me to tell you these stories.
'Blood is thicker than water' - I'll always remind myself of that. I hope that even after I'm married, we'll still spend time as sisters and not loose track of each other.
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