Well, today is the last day of 2010!
Taking a break from my London posts to wish everyone reading my blog a
Happy New Year!!
May 2011 bring better health and more joy for everyone!!
So, at the beginning of 2010, I made some resolutions and in June, I did a review to see how I was fairing.
Since it's the end of the year, I think I should also do a final review (like annual review).
Here goes...
1) To reduce my spending on clothes, bag, shoes & accessories etc a month to S$150- S$200. (I try...wahahaha..)
June: Some months I'm spending more and some months less so I guess it equals out lo...ROFL
December: erhm..I have to buy new clothes, shoes, lingerie to accomodate my bulging tummy so I think it's still within the range I set myself up for but underspending/overspending on some mths too. So, I think it justifies...=P
December: erhm..I have to buy new clothes, shoes, lingerie to accomodate my bulging tummy so I think it's still within the range I set myself up for but underspending/overspending on some mths too. So, I think it justifies...=P
2) To chat with Amy, Michelle and Ma at least once a week.
June: am trying too..MSN counted? But again, Michelle's so busy..BF more impt le..*tsk tsk*
December:: I think I did for Amy still but maybe not Michelle and Ma (but the London trip should cover all the talking I missed out on).
December:: I think I did for Amy still but maybe not Michelle and Ma (but the London trip should cover all the talking I missed out on).
3) To see them at least twice a month.
June: I am seeing Amy more since we meet for lunch! Mich..again no where to be seen even during the steamboat gathering *tsk tsk tsk*
December: I think almost there since I spend the day Mr Look's on duty over at their house =)
4) To finish watching all 5 seasons of 超級星光大道 by the end of this season. (Am done with season 1!! Yay!!)
June: OK! This I officially gave up!! Got kinda bored after the 2nd season. Would rather spend time to watch drama series.
December: yeap this is given up on but no harm done.
December: yeap this is given up on but no harm done.
5) To stop buying eyeshadows, blushers and primers (makeup la) for the next 6 months. (Keeping my fingers crossed on this - cnfm will break this once I go Japan so set = not setting..wahahahhaa...)
June: BROKEN!!! Bought so many =X but I also swapped away my old ones on MUA! I need a bigger wardrobe!!!!!! I shall add to this - time to get a new, bigger and better drawer from MUJI for my MU!
December: This was broken BIG TIME. No harm done too. I just need to store and use them up! Already got the Muji storage and it's working fine..... for now.....
6) To save at least 35% of my salary monthly. (this is my Shi Fang Qian..shhh)
June: more or less there.
December: yeap, more or less there. Some gone with my London trip though. Contrary to the believe most people have that my husband paid for my trip..I paid all myself. FYI. So stop gossiping that I am spending his $.
December: yeap, more or less there. Some gone with my London trip though. Contrary to the believe most people have that my husband paid for my trip..I paid all myself. FYI. So stop gossiping that I am spending his $.
7) To travel overseas (not including Malaysia) not more than 6 times in 2010 (counting my trips - Japan in Feb and Thailand in April, so I have 4 more to go =P)
June: OK, let's see. Japan, BKK, Phuket, Batam - that's 4 already. Although BKK and Phuket didn't end up well but it's counted as travelling la. So I have 2 more trips I can plan. =)
December: yeap, I did just 2 more - Taiwan in August and London in December. HK was for business so that's not really counted.
December: yeap, I did just 2 more - Taiwan in August and London in December. HK was for business so that's not really counted.
8) Hopefully, meet my 5 Secondary school sisters more than 6 times a year (we usually only meet on birthdays which equate to 5 times and Christmas so that's 6!)
June: OK, let me count. I think we met up 2-3 times already. Still shy of the 6 times. Everyone's been so busy so I shan't complain la.
December: I think I missed some gatherings in between due to my condition so this probably wasn't met. Nonetheless, we met up 4-5 times this year. =)
9) I will learn to control my temper at work and at home better.
June: WIP.
December: I think the pregnancy made me change my viewpoints in some stuff so losing my temper doesn't happen that often anymore.
10) Need to learn to relax and take things slowly.
June: WIP.
December: Doing just that.
11) To start exercising lei..(I know Yong trying to get me to exercise. Will try to go swim 3 times a week starting next week, ok?)
June: change of plans. not really into swimming but jogging! So this resolution is also WIP since my other 2 targets of Shape and SCM is coming up. Hopefully I will be able to do the Nike one too =)
December: Change in circumstances so no swimming or jogging or races soon. I'll do pregnancy pilates and walking instead.
12) Per Xiaxue's blog's last resolution- ' I will be more patient with dumb people.' (I try.... =P)
June: WIP too
December: Still working on it...
Well, looks like I've kept to most of my resolutions except those that were altered due to a change in circumstances.
What's your resolutions for the New Year ahead?
I think for me - it's simply to try to stay happy and keep a good health.
That's all.
For the rest, I'll just let it come naturally.