Monday, October 31, 2011


I've taken a super long hiatus from blogging.
The reason being that there's been some issues in my life that I have got to take care of first.
I'm pretty glad that it's all worked out well and I truly am blessed in that sense.

I've managed to accompany Kylie till she turns 6 months this month and see her through her semi solid phase.
I'm also starting on a new job soon.
I will be leaving Kylie in the good hands on my parent in laws.
I get to travel.
I found out some 'secrets'.
A understanding husband whose always been there.
A family to fall back on though sometimes they irk me (pretty normal).
A very well-behaved daughter which I thank God every day for (she has occasional tantrums but it's pretty managable).
Friends whom I found out are true friends.
Overall, I think the past 6 months have groomed me into a newer and hopefully better Ivy.

I've got loads to catch up on so expect more postings about events that had already happened.
Of course, many photos of Kylie.
I've not been playing much with my makeup due to the need to carry my darling but going forward I will certainly be doing more posts on FOTD and LOTD (I've been doing massive shopping sprees for myself and Kylie). Maybe I should do Kylie's LOTD too =P

To a brand new chapter in my life!