Monday, October 29, 2012


 Thanks for all the well wishes.
I've been home since the surgery last Monday.
I went for a Polyp curettage procedure at the hospital as I had abnormal bleeding after my menstrual cycle
What's a polyp?
A polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane.
The above is the polyp in me that was removed.
This is probably magnified many times - the removed polyp was about 1 cm in diameter.
This was a minor surgery so it wasn't that bad.
While recuperating, Kylie was down with stomach flu which she caught from the younger one at home.
Thereafter, my in-laws, hubby and myself came down with it.
That was even more horrible than the surgery as I've got a super cranky daughter on hand and a super bad stomach cramp.
All's good now.

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