Friday, April 24, 2009


Yea..its Friday again! Feeling tired today and not in the mood to do any 'real' work. However, I've got another busy Friday and Saturday coming up...

Tonight, Yong and I will be meeting up with Amos to discuss on our outdoor shoot 2 weeks away.

Tomorrow, will need to go to the card printer in the am. Thereafter, I need to go down to Wisma to sign up for the Shape Run with Siti. Hopefully, we can do lunch. After that, we need to go to the ID for the final quote and confirmation. Off to the new house to 'dong tu' to prepare the house for the renovation coming up. Lastly, I need to go to pick up my qi pao. So that's that for Saturday.

Sunday there's no tentative plans but I think (and hope) I can just nua at home...seriously, I think the chance of being able to do that is close to ZERO. haha....

My outfit today.

I am totally in love with the purple babydoll that I got from Taipei's night market for a mere 100ntd (that's about S$4)! If they had other colors, I think I'd grab them all!