Friday, November 7, 2008

Yesterday & Today..

Yesterday.....freaking busy as usual...i really hate it when things go wrong and i can list all the things that went wrong...

1) work was crazy..the role i was sourcing for suddenly had a change in specs..more PR background..i was like huh??3 years experience in events, coordination, marketing and now PR?!!for that kind of pay..who want??lelong lelong... $%&#@#%! Other than this, work was pretty ok..except that I was really busy...

2) After work KY met me for dinner and we did a little shopping for the potato salad I HAVE TO MAKE FOR HIS POTLUCK GATHERING TOMORROW...went to my house for me to bath and change and we came back to his house..this is where things went REALLY wrong..i was carrying 2 NTUC plastic bags with groceries, 1 plastic bag with the aluminium tray i went to buy for the potluck and 1 paper bag with his pouch and my clothes inside..GUESS WHAT? i was trying to put the groceries on the dining table when 1 NTUC bag slipped..and GUESS WHAT AGAIN?? that bag is the one with a glass bottle of mayonnaise need guess already..yes..the glass 'picha' and that's the end of the story...where was KY? he was walking to the toilet or his room or whereever he was going la...yea..i was pissed....but auntie n uncle kept assuring me 'mei you shi ma ok le lo...'

3) After cleaning up the fiasco, I came into the room to continue my project..i bloody can't open it!!!!! was only 1 page but i had to squeeze my brain juice just to come up with that 1 page!!!! !@#%^!^#!# than my saviour came!!! * i told her i will write* michelle did some stuff at home and told me..ok la..but there's alot of nonsense at the bottom..i was like so relieved..nvm just delete...

So the day did end pretty well....

Asked boss to let me work from home today so that I can do some research and get my project going...I really need to get out of office coz once I sit down, I worked non-stop the past 3 today..i'm going to do the following:

1) Work
2) Research on my project/start typing more
3) Go do my eyebrow and upper lip threading
4) Go Arab st to buy my blings for my mobile
5) Make MY potato salad
6) Go to school tonight
7) Rush home to watch nu ren bu yi zhuo last episode
8) Sleep

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