Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What is LOVE?

How do you know the next one won't be better?

Can a marriage guarantee faithfulness?

How do you know if he/she is the ONE?

What is love?

These questions are frequently asked by people struggling in love or finding love or stuck in love or moving to the next 'level' in their relationship. I am also guilty of asking these questions some times and I realise there's no answers to them (although some try to give you their answers...)

I've seen so many many divorces that I always say I can write into a script for a movie or a TV drama because to normal people it will seem too absurd for it to happen in real life. Trust me, those that I've seen is real. It's just that some times I lose the faith in a so-called self chosen marriage because more often than not, I've seen it fail. Husbands abandoning their wives at times when they are most fragile, leaving their children to fend for themselves, wives moving on with their own life and leaving their family, relationships ready for marriage suddenly disappear into thin air and many many more of such cases. I've also seen a fairytale get together that also ended up in the lawyers' offices...

I am not saying that an arranged marriage will be the best but I do agree that parents' opinions matter. I once had a boyfriend that my mum 'rejected'. I seriously did not understand why but now, after growing older, I guess its' really just the intuition of my mum.

Also, I've seen people fight their way back and come out stronger than before. Finding love and cherishing it even more. I believe there are always 2-sides to a coin and really, nothing in this world is absolute.

I've told Yong many times about my doubts on signing on that piece of paper that allows us to get a HDB. What can it guarantee in my marriage? Some one told me, 'half your husbands' $$'. This is not a guarantee - it means failure in the marriage already! Seriously, the paper only announces that legally you are bonded but emotionally?

Its scary to some people that I am asking all these questions now but when some one asked me how much do I trust my significant other and I replied 'absolute trust', I was also questioned. But for me to say that I trust Yong probably is due to his upbringing and his personal rules that guides his life. Again, I am not saying that 'accidents' won't happen but if these are genuine accidents that happens on a one-off basis, I can forgive and forget. Than, some one asks what if these accidents occur over and over again (trust me, this was asked by more than 1 person on different occasions). I think - these are not genuine accidents....

To me, relationships are like ice-cream. When you are young, you are more adventurous to try out new flavors but as you grow older you realise that there are always the 2-3 flavors you tend to always pick out. Probably until you grow old, these are the 2-3 flavors that will accompany you till the end.

Is it possible that some people only stick to always eating 1 flavor?