Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Random Thoughts~

I was just visited (once again) this morning by my GRC's new PAP candidate.
I have to say he's a sincere fella although he knew little about the upgrading plans for our area.
I posted him a question on the upgrading for the carpark here.
Well, I can't really blame him since it's his first time contesting here and he's not served in this GRC before.
However, I must say that he came across as sincere, humble and friendly.
He did try to get an answer immediately for me~

I'm not really a pro or anti PAP voter ( is secret my hubby keeps reminding me).
But, there are times that I feel that some of the GE debates are of some wacky issues.
I do agree that the reports in the papers/news are skewed towards PAP covering in more detail about what PAP candidates did or said.
But, I did hear some rally speeches and did also have the ??? come into my head on BOTH sides!

I shall voice some of my thoughts in this post.

Ok, Singapore has experienced floods but are ours as bad as Australia's where lives has been lost?
Eh, nope.
Maybe some mannequin's were but not human lives.
Like Xiaxue posted, we can't blame PAP for not being able to predict the weather - agreed!
But, we can blame them for not maintaining the drainage system properly~ =P
Lesson learnt, more process to upkeep the systems and to dig bigger drainage long kangs.
Get on with it~
Which government doesn't have hiccups?!

What about the escape of a certain detainee?
If someone wants to plan an escape he will plan and execute it regardless.
Have you watched movies/TV shows - if the person is determined to escape.
Try stopping him.

I believe everyone globally are facing some similar issues.
Rising living costs, rising housing prices etc - tell me 1 country that is not complaining about these issues?
The world as a whole affects each other.
This is called a global economy.
You can't just single out Singapore as having these issues.
Fine, the government can do more to reduce foreign impact within the nation.
But, for example, building HDB requires materials - Singapore do not produce them.
We are not self sufficient as a nation and everyone knows that.
How not to be affected by global issues?

Call me an optimist but I feel that there are always CHOICES that people can make.
Choices that can make your own life a little more comfortable.
These choices directly affect the moolah in your pocket as well.
And, NO~ I definitely DO NOT AGREE that resale HDB market consists mainly of upgraders and PRs.
On one hand, one opposition team encourages extended family to live within the same estate to encourage family bonding and creation (totally agree!).
Another opposition is saying that HDB resale is mainly for upgraders and PRs.
So, if my extended family stays in a mature estate - than how?
There's no new affordable flats here for first timers like us lei~
Stay further?
Than how about my bonding time with them??

And, best of all, the opposition are sharing candidates.
Can someone tell me how these 2 views match up?

What's the talk about cutting defense budget as Singapore has lesser threats?
Boy, if you realise, we are surrounded by some really big countries.
Regardless which country you live in, terrorism is also still a VERY REAL THREAT.

Yes, I know that CPF and the growth package is MY money.
I'm staying in MY house so shouldn't I be using MY money to pay for it?
And tell me which government gives money back to it's citizens?
I'm not complaining.
The money might seem little to some but to others it's really a lot.
This is not a 'dangling carrot' as it was not given out only this year because of the GE.

We are a workfare state and that's something that cannot be denied.
If we were to be a welfare state, I don't think Singapore will be where it is today.
Look at some of the social issues that a welfare state has - regular young people opting not to work because they can get welfare benefits.
I do believe there are assistance out there for the needy.
And regardless which political group you belong to, if there's a needy person that you know of you should help.
If you help and you voice it out, is that being humble or trying to claim rewards for what you did *irony*?
Many of the politicians (yes I call them that already) contesting have voiced out of so-so aunty or uncle they've met which are in this or that situation.

My question to them: did you find out the reason why they are in that situation or did you do anything to help them directly as a normal human being to another human being out of real compassion?

I do complain about the maternity package not being enough but it's my choice to get a 2 bedded room and deliver at a private hospital.
Can I blame the government for not giving me enough 'incentive' to give birth?
In the first place, is there a real need for incentive to give birth?
I'm not saying it's not good.
Of course the additional moolah will offset my bills and I'm grateful for it.
If you want to have kids, you will have kids - that's the bottomline.
My mum's generation had nothing - no maternity, no childcare, no baby bonus.
Oh, FYI, she was a full time working mum too~
So, stop complaining!
If the government gave S$10k per baby can you imagine the social issues that it will create?

I do agree that its good to have checks and balances within the parliament.
But having half the parliament filled with opposition?
I'm not too sure about that.
Will that create more issues or more progress?
That's something I'm thinking too.


  1. lol. finally someone who can think thru the issues properly. One more point is that the opposition seem to be for me and i will sit on the sidelines and wait for PAP to make mistakes and then catch them for you. I believe that we need opposition who have better ideas than PAP, not just people who are anti-pap. after all, if there are 2 equal powers opposing each other in our govt, then the only policies that will be passed are the ones expected to fail. Each side will block the opponents' good policies as it would garner them more votes in the next election and will only allow the bad policies thru in hopes that it fails and the opponents lose support in the future.

  2. Very true point. I just hope that more younger singaporeans can use their brains to think instead of just listening and blaming everything on the government aka PAP to them~ that's all.
