Sunday, July 18, 2010

Touch Community Flag Day.

Probably pretty unique to Singapore, there's what we call the 'Flag Day'.
I've googled the term and it usually meant a day the nation commerate the adoption of it's national flag.
Here in Singapore, there's a totally different meaning to our 'Flag Day'.
It refers to volunteers holding tin cans with stickers on them asking people if they would like to donate to the cause. It's a form of fund-raising on the ground level.
There are some organisations such as the Cancer Foundation, Red Cross etc in Singapore that hold Flag Days for fund raising.
The last time I was involved was probably during my Poly days where there were mandatory hours that needs to be clocked by each student for community service work.

It isn't easy to do such ground level fund raising work after all the 'scams' in some known non-profitable charity organisations here in Singapore.
I remember when I was in Secondary school, during flag days, people normally do drop coins into the tins.
I guess some of these incidents have really shaken the trust in people even if it's a dollar or a few cents donations.
Saturday morning was pouring (I heard there were floods in some areas of Singapore) and I met a friend for Touch community's flag day.
It was really interesting to see how some people reacted to me when I approached them for a donation.
The normal ones were 'already donated' or a smile or a shake of their heads.
I've met a lady with her daughter who wanted to donate but forgot her coin pouch - the little girl was real disappointed.

We were at a mall where there was some enrichment schools thus resulting in many children.
The excuses given to me by them were somewhat interesting.
Their replies were 'no money' so I said 'thank you'.
The next minute, they were walking out from 7-11 with a slurpee or ice-cream or a drink.
When they come out they will try to avoid looking at you and walk ultra fast. hahaha....
I get it - pleasures in life are important so I don't really fault them for it.
But from what I know - Singapore kids are real rich..haha..

There are some really 'trends' that I noticed which were pretty weird...
1. When a women is with a her partner and I approach, usually it's the women who digs her bag for her wallet instead of the men reaching into his pockets.
2. After the women has donated, she'll take the sticker and paste it on her partner's chest. (hmmm....)

Well, probably the rudest of all will be those 'I don't see you so you don't see me' people.
It's like I'm transparent. They just walk right pass you. *tsk tsk*
To these people - wait till your kids have to do community service!!

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