Monday, September 6, 2010

Taiwan Day 2: Taipei-Hualien (Part 3 - Eternal Spring Shrine 長春祠 ).

Remember in the previous post, we took a photo of the entrance of the Central Cross-Island Highway?
Well, this important highway did come at a price.
212 personnel (military veterans) died during the construction of this Highway (1956~1960).
The second stop was to visit the Changchun Shrine 長春祠 also known as the Eternal Spring Shrine that was built to commerate them.

Liwu River that's pretty much dry during our trip there.

This tunnel was really dark so we didn't venture further but I do believe its for vehicles and not humans. =X

This was the entrance to the shrine.
Very serene and peaceful.
The black plague you see contains the names of the 212 deceased.

Just to show you how 'big' the tunnel was.
The reason why this place is called Eternal Spring Shrine is because there's a spring water outlet within the shrine that flows all year round.
Since it's summer, the best way to cool down was to go for a dip!
Mr Lu even changed to his slippers and kept egging us to go down the small pond.

The water was really cold and numbing at first.
This is probably something you can't do during winter.

Some shots in the pond.
After our 10-15 minute dip, we were all cooled down and ready to go.
Mr Lu told us that he had a bunch of ang moh that came, had their dip and refused to come up till about an hour or so later as it was so cooling in the hot summer.

View from the shrine.

Walking back out to the taxi at the connecting bridge.
As you can see, I've changed to slippers too =)
Mr Lu said I was well prepared but I didn't know we would go into the pond!
Some locals even brought their dog to let them cool down by toweling them.

I absolutely love this photo.

Another one.
You can see the spring water flows through the shrine and into Liwu River.

Moving on further into Taroke Gorge in the next post.

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