Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 3 with Freckles.

Freckles was whining, howling, barking every hour last night.
The longest lasted 45minutes.
Saw my neighbour today and she thought I was abusing a dog as it was howling so pitifully last night.
I also woke up everytime she started 'crying' for help.
Hopefully tonight will be better.

Anyway, my Day 3 with Freckles.
He was whining less in the day.
Probably starting to get the idea that we are teaching her not to whine for attention.
I'm also taking short trips out of the house to eat lunch, post letters and eat dinner.
Some photos of play time in the afternoon.

Leash training...
Thank God Yong came back in the afternoon to help me with Freckles and also mopping the floor too.
My fav photo so far...he crosses his front legs like buffy!

Some photos from last night before the whining session.

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