Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 4 with Freckles - when boys play too much.

Yong was trying to help tire little rascal last night when we heard a loud yelp!
Poor rascal wasn't able to stand up on his front left paw and was struggling.
So, we rushed to him and I did the usual check on his paw for cuts or splints first.
Than checked his bone and joints for any damage.
None too.
I suspected it was either a ligament or muscle strain.

Poor Yong was so guilty strickened that he insisted we bring Freckles to a vet immediately.
I know it was useless to tell him he'll be fine (although I did) so we headed to the nearest one which was supposed to open till 11pm.
We arrived at 1020pm and it was 'Closed' on the door.
Luckily, the receptionist was kind enough to call the Vet back from her car.
She came back to the clinic (although a bit face black initially).
After she saw us she did explain that this wasn't an emergency case blah blah blah and under normal circumstances the Vet won't come back.
Yes, we know and thank you very much for letting us know how relunctant you were.
The clinic said it was opened till 11pm and we were not there at 1059pm.
We were there at 1020pm.
Anyway, she was a nice vet after she sounded us out but I doubt we will go back there again (even in cases of emergency - coz there's probably no vet there =P)
I already said we were sorry for asking you to come back already lor!!
I also said Thank you for coming back lor!!!
What more you want huh?
Well, it was a muscle strain.

Poor pup has to be confined for the next 5 days - no running allowed!
Oh, he's walking fine today - so no need for X-rays.
The bill?
It was S$169.00.

But I did find out that Frecky was underweight!
Don't remember if it was grossly or not but he was 4.17kg as of last night.
I've been trying to figure out what's wrong and why wasn't he eating much.
Viola! The answer came in the health tablets that the vet prescribed.
It was milk flavored.
He chewed and chewed on it this am and than started to munch a little of his puppy food!
Must be big baby - still want milk lor!!!
Haiz, think this is training my maternal instincts man.
Went and got puppy milk and some milk treats.
Like Amy's description with Prada - Freckles wallop the milk and asked for more!!
Since he was underweight - his dinner will be potatoes, pup food and some milk all mixed together.
Let's see if it works.

He barked once and went in to the toilet to pee.
Came out and barked twice before going back in to shit.
Hahaha...cute right?
It's like telling me oei..come lei..see me pee and shit!

Such good life!
Eat already, pee and shit already...time to sleep.

Look at his posture!
So un-glam!!

Still don't bother to wake up...
He's sleeping way better than I am (that's for sure)!
He didn't whine or howl or bark last night but I'm not sure if it was due to his foot.
Let's see how it is tonight.

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