Friday, March 26, 2010


Words can be very hurtful either when its being said or written.
Had a couple of experiences the past few days with hurtful words.

When someone says something, the tone, the chosen words, the sentence structure etc once put together can distort something with good intent to something that can be really hurtful to the other party.
How many times have you said something that you didn't mean for it to be understood in a particular way?

Should we be thinking a little more before we say?
Are those the best words to use to express my feelings or concerns?
Are there any other better words to use?
What tone or how should I voice it out?

And how many times have you put your own assumptions into what you are saying?
People are always assuming things, not that it's a bad thing.
But it does creates issues when the assumption is not real - how many times does that happen?
Rather than assuming, why not ask?
Even the question you ask needs to be neutral and not putting in your assumptions but the facts you see in front of you.

Our brain is that powerful and it can process millions of information in seconds why are we not utilising it?
Just a simple (maybe not to some) thought process before saying something may create a lot of differences in how it is recepted by the other party.
Even the most studied or eloquent person falls in to this trap of assuming.
I personally had to correct a professional when she mentioned that I did not love...
How does she draw the conclusion I did not love?
She didn't even asked or probe to find out more before making that statement.
I told her off, saying that it was a personal attack and to take it back as she did not know what happened.

Words said needs more practise (I agree totally as not everyone is brought up the same way) but you have to constantly remind yourself to think carefully before saying it.
Once it is said, you can't take it back.
No use saying, 'I didn't mean it that way' as the hurt has already been done.

However, words in written format - now that's different altogether.
There's no tone? Not entirely true.
There are emoticons, punctuations, happy words, polite words etc.
The English language has words that put feelings in to it. It's how you use it.
You also have the option to read through it before you click the 'send' button.

One word can create a lot of unhappiness.
Please think before you speak or write in the near future.

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